Hey, Men—here’s why it’s important to prioritize your hearing health

In his newest blog written exclusively for Starkey, Justin Osmond—who was born with a severe-to-profound hearing loss and has been wearing hearing aids since he was two years old—talks to men about the importance of prioritizing their hearing health during Men’s Health Month, already in progress.

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Where is the best place to get hearing aids?

Today, your options have gotten more complicated, with online-only retailers, big-box stores and over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids you can buy at places like Walgreens and CVS. Here’s the thing, though—seeing a hearing care professional is still the best way to be treated for hearing loss or get hearing aids. Let us explain why.

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Tinnitus shown to impact physical and mental health

In honor of National Stress Awareness Month already in progress, we would like to take today’s hearing fact to spotlight tinnitus and the ripple effect it can have on your physical and mental well-being.

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It's time to spring clean your hearing aids

Imagine what this could mean to your spring: Listening to the return of nature’s best sounds, such as birds chirping and melted waters lapping; taking in the relaxing rhythmic crunch of gravel beneath your feet on a morning stroll; participating in conversations with loved ones over that first alfresco lunch; or cheering for a homerun by your favorite little leaguer. The list goes on.

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Musicians and tinnitus are a common duet, study shows

Awareness is the first step to protecting your hearing from the noise exposure that often leads to tinnitus. But before we examine the next steps you can take to safeguard your hearing, let’s dig into the study that brought about today’s fact to begin with.

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Classical musicians at greater risk of hearing loss than rock ‘n rollers

Classical musicians at greater risk of hearing loss than rock ‘n rollers

Whether you are a musician, music fan, or simply enjoy fascinating expert findings, today’s fact may perk up your ears: Why would classical musicians be more likely to have hearing loss than rock ‘n roll artists?

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Stay safe in sound this October

Stay safe in sound this October

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is the second-leading cause of hearing loss after aging, and impacts nearly 40 million U.S. adults aged 20–69, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). NIHL occurs when excessively loud noise damages the hair cells in your inner ear and the hearing nerve.

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Wireless hearing aid accessories enhance your hearing experience

Wireless hearing aid accessories enhance your hearing experience

It’s no secret that hearing aids are essential for helping those of us with hearing loss hear to the best of our ability. But because hearing loss is complex and different for everyone, sometimes—even with our hearing aids in—certain listening situations may continue to be challenging.

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Healthy aging begins with better hearing

Healthy aging begins with better hearing

What are some positives of aging that speak to you? If you’re having a little trouble getting your list together, don’t despair: Healthy Aging Month was created as an opportunity to choose happiness for your future by taking active steps to maintain your physical and mental well-being. And where to begin isn’t as daunting as you may think.

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How to know when it's time to get new hearing aids

How to know when it's time to get new hearing aids

We use and enjoy our technology to the fullest. But in the back of our minds, we also have that feeling that, one day, our much-loved device will run its course and need to be replaced. Oftentimes, this is simply the culmination of the wear-and-tear process—which yes, includes hearing aids.

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