Invest in better hearing using spare FSA or HSA funds
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If you’re like millions of Americans, you probably have leftover money in your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Saving Account (HSA) going into the end of the year. Depending on your situation, it might make sense to explore using that money on hearing aids, as they are eligible expenses under most plans.
It’s no secret that hearing aids are an investment. The best hearing aids—ones that sound great, are comfortable to wear, and are fit to your specific hearing needs by a licensed hearing care professional—are not cheap. But most people who get them are glad they did.
“I wish I would have done this sooner” is a refrain we hear often in emails and posts on our social channels, or when talking to people who wear our hearing aids.
That’s because hearing aid wearers soon realize that their hearing aids provide them with profound, life-changing benefits like clearer communication, increased human connectedness, improved health and happiness, and a better overall quality of life.
Leftover funds can make a big difference
Most FSA policies come with use-it-or-lose-it rules that, per the IRS, require you to use saved money by the end of the calendar year, or at least early into the following year.
FSA and HSA accounts are important yearly safety nets—reserved, often, to cover unplanned medical expenses. But now, with just two months to go, you can feel better that those unexpected events are less likely to occur, and that you can use leftover funds on want-to-haves in addition to need-to-haves.
With “expiring” dollars sitting in your account, now is the ideal time to buy new glasses, look into braces for the kids, and use your FSA and HSA money on bigger purchases—like hearing aids.
Better hearing is worth every pre-tax dollar
If treating your hearing loss has been on your radar or wish list lately, you owe it to yourself to at least go test drive new hearing aids. Then, if you like them, use your leftover FSA or HSA funds to invest in better hearing.
Simply type your zip code in here and you’ll get a list of hearing care professionals in your area who you can demonstrate the latest hearing aids for you, and let you try them, risk-free, for at least a month. Professional fees may apply.
Visit your local Innovative Hearing office to learn more about your hearing health. Make an appointment today.