Why we should monitor our hearing and vision as we age

Vision loss has joined hearing loss on the list of modifiable risk factors for dementia, according to the latest report by the Lancet Commission on Dementia, Prevention, Intervention and Care.

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Ten dos and don’ts for traveling with hearing aids

Whether you are planning your tropical escape from winter or have a business trip approaching, your hearing aids are still one of your best companions for getting the most out of your travels. Any time, any place.

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Six dos and don’ts for wearing hearing aids in winter

Wintertime—especially if you live in a place where it gets bitterly cold—can be tough on a lot of things: our automobiles, our fingers and toes, and our psyche. But it doesn’t have to be tough on our hearing aids…

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How hearing aids have helped me defy the limits of hearing loss

How hearing aids have helped me defy the limits of hearing loss

In his newest blog written exclusively for Starkey Hearing, Justin Osmond—who was born with a severe-to-profound hearing loss and has been wearing hearing aids since he was two years old—talks about how hearing aids have helped him overcome the challenges of hearing loss and improve his quality of life.

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How to hear well and be well in the new year

After all, the word “wellness” pertains to general health or well-being, which could encapsulate anything from physical to mental health. So, when we talk about taking charge of our wellness in the new year, where do we even begin?

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How hearing aids can protect against age-related health issues

By getting help with our hearing loss sooner rather than later, we can keep our brains active, engaged, and processing sound—whether it’s our conversation with a dinner companion, an instruction from our community education teacher, or the hum of our refrigerator.

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Better hearing can boost our brain power, study shows

The researchers unsurprisingly concluded the study on an uplifting note, suggesting that early detection and management of hearing loss could help people live to a greater age without dementia.

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Top 5 do’s and don’ts of hearing aid care

Hearing aids are one of the best investments you can make in maintaining a healthy, active, and joyful life through better hearing. But like with any technology—particularly the digital kind—you want to take care of them so they continue to give you optimal performance and all the benefits that go with your best listening experiences.

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Let the games—and hearing protection—begin

Whether you’ll be watching the Olympics or sticking to your regularly scheduled major league sports this summer, now is a great time to become more aware of noise levels around you and protect your hearing from noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).

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