Five things you should know about tinnitus

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 50 million Americans experience tinnitus. That’s over 15 percent of the U.S. population, or nearly one in every six of us.

So what is this condition that affects so many people — and what can tinnitus sufferers do about it? We cover the basics here.

1. What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the medical term for the sensation of hearing sound in your ears when no external sound is present. In most cases, tinnitus is a subjective sound, meaning only the person who has it can hear it. Typically, sufferers describe the sound as “ringing in ears,” though others describe it as hissing, buzzing, whistling, roaring and even chirping.

Just as the sound may be different for each person, the effects of tinnitus are different for every individual, too. For some, it is sporadic and “not that bad.” For others, tinnitus never stops and can make daily life awful.

But one thing everyone with tinnitus has in common is a desire for relief. For most, this desire is so great they will try anything to make their tinnitus less annoying, including resorting to acupuncture, eardrops, herbal remedies, hypnosis and more.

2. What causes tinnitus?

Scientists and health experts have yet to pinpoint the exact cause of tinnitus. But several sources are known to trigger or worsen ringing in the ears, including:

  • Loud noises and hearing loss — Exposure to loud noises can destroy the non-regenerative cilia (tiny hairs) in the cochlea, causing permanent tinnitus and/or hearing loss. Noise-induced tinnitus is often the result of exposure to loud environmental noises, such as working in a factory setting, with or around heavy machinery, or even a single event like a gunshot or loud concert.

  • Aging — Natural aging, too, gradually destroys the cilia, and is a leading cause of hearing loss. Tinnitus is a common symptom of age-related hearing loss.

  • Ototoxic medications – Some prescription medications such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, antidepressants, diuretics and others can be ototoxic, meaning they are harmful to the inner ear as well as the nerve fibers connecting the cochlea to the brain.

  • Hearing conditions – Conditions such as Ménière’s disease are known to cause tinnitus.

  • Health conditions – Tinnitus has been associated with a number of health conditions, including:

    • Cardiovascular disease

    • Hypertension (high blood pressure)

    • Thyroid problems

    • Fibromyalgia and chronic pain

    • Head or neck trauma

    • Jaw misalignment

    • Auditory, vestibular or facial nerve tumors

    • Stress and fatigue

3. Is there a cure for tinnitus?

Currently, there is no known cure for tinnitus. However, according to the American Tinnitus Association (ATA), there are a few established therapies and tinnitus treatment options. Because there is no cure, the ATA notes, “the primary objective for all currently available tinnitus treatment options is to lower the perceived burden of tinnitus.”

Hearing aids are one tinnitus treatment option the ATA lists, with hearing professionals reporting that 60 percent of their tinnitus patients experience relief when wearing them.

Sound therapy is another treatment option listed by the ATA, which notes that hearing aids are an effective component to most sound therapy protocols.

Sound therapy — and hearing aids — work by masking the tinnitus sound and reducing the perception and intensity of any “ringing in the ears.” This helps take your mind off of your tinnitus, which helps lower its burden.

4. What should you do if you or someone you know has tinnitus?

Since the exact cause of tinnitus is not known, the ATA recommends you visit your primary care provider and a hearing healthcare professional for evaluation. This evaluation helps them determine if tinnitus is present and what may be causing it. Specialized tests are performed to evaluate the auditory system. Some of these tests measure the specific features of the tinnitus itself, and could include:

  • Audiogram

  • Evoked response audiometry

  • Tinnitus pitch match

  • Tinnitus loudness match

5. How can you get tinnitus relief?

While there is no cure for tinnitus, Audibel’s’s hearing aids with proprietary Multiflex Tinnitus Technology have been clinically proven to provide relief for ringing in the ears.

Call Innovative Hearing today to make an appointment!

Multiflex Tinnitus Technology enhances the masking capabilities of Audibel hearing aids even more by creating a customizable and comforting sound stimulus that you and your hearing professional can fine-tune. This sound stimulus soothes the unique, irritating sounds you hear — so you can get your mind off your tinnitus and get your life back.

Photo by Toimetaja tõlkebüroo on Unsplash

Is hearing loss avoidable?

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

That’s a great question, and a complicated one to answer! Hearing loss can be caused by a multitude of things: some are preventable and some are not. For me to write about everything that can cause hearing loss — and then all the ways to avoid each cause — would make for a very long blog post. We will save that for another day.

Instead, I am going to write about what you can do to avoid the second-leading cause of hearing loss — noise-induced hearing loss.

Did you know that one in four U.S. adults have noise-induced hearing loss? That’s a lot of people (at least 40 million)! The good news is that you can protect your hearing in most situations. And if you practice good hearing protection, not only do you increase your chances of avoiding noise-induced hearing loss, it will  go a long way towards helping you avoid age-related hearing loss, which is the number one cause of hearing loss.

Here are a few ways to protect your hearing (and help avoid hearing loss):

Minimize your exposure to loud noises

This is the best way to avoid hearing loss. How do you know what’s too loud? Environments where you have to raise your voice to talk to other people, where you can't hear what people nearby are saying, where the noise hurts your ears or, really, where any noise exceeds 85 decibels are too loud.

Wear hearing protection

There are times when you are put into loud situations or environments and you simply can’t avoid them. These include certain work environments, sporting events, concerts, bars/clubs, mowing your lawn, etc. In those situations, you should use hearing protection.

Hearing protection comes in a variety of different styles including ear plugs, custom plugs, “earmuffs” and more. 

Watch the volume

With the way technology is advancing these days, almost everyone has something in their ears. Consider investing in higher quality earphones that block out background noise, to help you moderate your listening levels in noisier places.

Also, the general rule of thumb to use when setting your volume is: You should be able to hear and converse with a person arm’s length away from you easily. If you cannot, then it is too loud.

Buy quieter products

You probably never think about how loud some of your household products are. Some products such as children’s toys, blenders and hair dryers. can get louder than 100 decibels! That means that it would take less than 15 minutes of use for you to damage your hearing. I justified buying a fancy new hair dryer because of how loud my old hair dryer was. 

There are other decisions or changes you can make in your life to help avoid hearing loss, including:

Don’t put anything in your ear

Your ears naturally clean themselves. By putting products in your ears, you can cause infections and or actually puncture your ear drum, which can lead to permanent hearing loss.

Don’t smoke

Research studies have shown a positive correlation between smoking and hearing loss. It’s better just to say no.

Keep a healthy diet

Other research studies show that women who maintain a healthy diet have reduced risk/rates of moderate to severe hearing loss compared to women who do not eat healthy.

Get your hearing tested

Having your hearing tested regularly is a great way to know how your auditory system is working. By getting your hearing tested regularly, you will be able to monitor your hearing easily, know if any changes are occurring, and treat any hearing loss early, before it gets to be a problem.

Nothing is guaranteed to prevent hearing loss. But the advice above should help you avoid it, or at least put it off for as long as possible.

Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash

Wearing hearing aids can reduce the risk of cognitive decline

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

Research by Johns Hopkins and other institutions have linked cognitive decline and even dementia to hearing loss for reasons you can read about here. One study found that older adults with hearing loss experience a 30-40 percent faster decline in cognitive abilities than peers with normal hearing.

But a 25-year-long study published in 2015 found that hearing aid use reduced the risk of cognitive decline associated with hearing loss. Researchers also reported that treating hearing loss in midlife is the single greatest change a person can make to lower their risk of dementia.

Contact Innovative Hearing today.

Photo by Ravi Patel on Unsplash

Hearing loss impacts memory and comprehension

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

Readers of the publication Trends in Neurosciences will already know today’s fact. For the other 99.9 percent of us, though, it is definitely interesting.

According to a story in the June 2016 edition, research has confirmed that “even relatively mild levels of hearing loss” can lead to cascading negative effects on the brain. Those effects can impact perception, comprehension and memory.

The thinking goes: the more effort it takes to listen and piece together what someone is saying (due to hearing loss), the more it impacts other cognitive operations, “such as remembering what has been heard.” It’s one huge reason why experts at Johns Hopkins recommend treating hearing loss sooner rather than later.

It’s best to not wait until it’s too late! Scheduling an appointment is just a phone call away. Contact Innovative Hearing today! We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

Happy hearing makes for happy holidays!

land of lincoln hearing_hearing aids lake forest_hearing aids oak park_hearing aids olympia fields_hearing loss.jpg

Holidays are a time for being with family and friends and having fun! A few tips will help keep your hearing aids working well to make sure you get the most out of this holiday season!

  • Watch out for the cold! Hearing aids are basically little computers, so don’t leave them in the car overnight. If you do, give them time to warm up before using them.

  • Children and pets love hearing aids! Being around family can put you around children and pets you don’t see on a regular basis. Keeping your hearing aids on your ears will make sure little hands and pets don’t get a hold of them.

  • Hearing aids don’t like snow! If you drop your hearing aids in the snow, take them in the house, throw away the battery and let them dry out. Please do not put them in the oven or microwave to dry them. If you have a dry aid kit, use it.

  • If you have rechargeable hearing aids, don’t let the charger sit in the car/outside overnight. It doesn’t like the cold any more than we (or your hearing aids) do! If you forget it in the car, give it a chance to warm up before using it, to get the best performance.

  • Family and friends can be lots of fun. The fun may often come with lots of volume and many big groups, too! Sit close to the people you want to talk to and make sure you are in a well-lit area.

  • Children’s voices can be soft and they can talk fast. Make sure the children you are talking to are looking at you. Don’t be afraid to ask the child to repeat or another adult to help “translate.”

  • Accessories make life easier! If you have accessories, like remote microphones, use them! They can help you enjoy the festivities even more.

As the holidays approach, tell stories, sing songs, laugh and — most of all — enjoy time with the people who bring you joy. Happy Holidays!

Why it’s important to check your hearing regularly


We are all concerned about our health and well-being! Benjamin Franklin once said “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Whether it is diabetes, cancer, heart disease or hearing loss, we have become increasingly more focused on stopping illness through preventative healthcare. It’s one reason why we’re living longer and why, if Mr. Franklin were alive today, he’d agree that “60 is the new 40.”

We get yearly physicals to monitor blood pressure, cholesterol and evaluate risks for cancer, diabetes and heart disease. We should approach our hearing the same way.

Early treatment can help prevent future issues

In recent years, research has shown that hearing is not just about our ears! Our hearing impacts many aspects of our health and life. Untreated hearing loss has been linked to increased likelihood of dementia, decreases in cognitive function, increased isolation and higher incidences of depression. Discovering and treating hearing loss sooner rather than later can ultimately improve our overall health and well-being.

Many people will wait until they are having difficulty before getting their hearing tested. The reality is that they have most likely been living with hearing loss anywhere from 5 to 15 years before they take action. Could you imagine living with high cholesterol or high blood pressure or diabetes for a dozen years before taking action?

Start with a baseline hearing test

For many of us, the last time we had our hearing checked was when we were in grade school. According to healthcare professionals, we should get a “baseline” hearing test early in our adulthood. The recommendation is around 18 or 21. If you are past 21 and have not had a baseline test, the sooner the better.

A “baseline” hearing test will provide a frame of reference for tests later in life. It is important to remember that hearing is more than just detecting beeps! A baseline hearing test will measure your sensitivity to sounds (the beeps), but it will also measure your ability to understand speech, both at soft levels and when the volume is comfortable. In addition, the overall health of the ear will be evaluated via a visual exam.

Follow-up hearing tests may be recommended 

How often you have your hearing checked after the baseline depends on a few different variables: the results of your baseline test, your risk for hearing loss, and your age are just a few. If hearing loss exists at the baseline, yearly testing is recommended.

If your risk for hearing loss is high, yearly hearing tests are also recommended. Things that increase your risk of hearing loss include noise exposure, both at work and recreational (motorcycles, guns, loud music), as well as your age. As hearing loss is found more often with increasing age, individuals 60 years of age and older are recommended to have their hearing tested every two years, if no hearing loss was apparent in their most recent test.

Is there a way I can help a loved one who has hearing loss?

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

We know that, left untreated, hearing loss can negatively affect our quality of life. Studies link untreated hearing loss to stress, depression, social isolation, and even dementia. Untreated hearing loss also increases the risk of falling, putting personal safety at risk. 

But the person with hearing loss isn’t the only person affected by it. Hearing loss impacts spouses, family members, and friends. Repeating things over and over during conversation can be exhausting and frustrating. It can also be heartbreaking for family and friends to watch a loved one retreat, avoiding social situations they once enjoyed.

Don’t enable their denial

Encouraging a loved one to seek help for hearing loss is the right thing to do, even when it’s hard to know how to help. It’s important to speak with your loved one directly about their hearing loss. Gently remind them every time you need to repeat or rephrase parts of conversations they miss.

Without realizing it, well-intended ways we try to help can delay treatment. Repeating or rephrasing conversations may prevent our loved ones from realizing how much they are missing. Make sure your well-intended efforts aren’t preventing your loved one from realizing how hearing loss is impacting their life.

Schedule a hearing check-up for them

Offer to schedule and attend your loved one’s first appointment with Innovative Hearing.

Bring any questions you have with you to your appointment. We will discuss the results of your loved ones hearing test, discuss the best treatment, and answer any other questions you may have.

The sooner they seek help, the happier everyone will be

Don’t be surprised if your loved one is hesitant to seek help for their hearing loss. Be gentle and consistent. On average, hearing aid wearers wait 5-7 years to seek treatment. Which means, your loved one is probably aware of their hearing problem, but might need a little push of encouragement and support to treat it.

Remind your loved one that they have nothing to lose and so much to gain. Being patient and supportive will help your loved one get the hearing help you will both benefit from.

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

5 reasons to treat hearing loss

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

So you’ve got a little hearing loss. What’s the big deal, right? It happens to almost all of us as we age.

FACT: 37.5 million Americans 18 and older have hearing loss, including one out of every three, 60 and older. 

You can cope, you’ve decided. You’ll just turn the TV up a little louder. Ask people to speak up or repeat what they said. And hey, the quiet can be kind of nice, to be honest. “Why should I treat it,” you wonder? 

Should you treat or ignore your hearing loss?

The decision to treat or ignore hearing loss should not be taken lightly. Why? Because hearing loss plays a significant role in many important issues that impact our quality of life, including five important ones:

  • Mental health

  • Physical health

  • Income and career

  • Personal safety

  • Relationships and social interactions

Before you decide whether to ignore or treat your hearing loss, read what studies, health care experts, and hearing aid wearers themselves have to say about each choice.

Ignore or treat hearing loss — a side-by-side comparison

(1) Mental Health

Ignore hearing loss

Numerous studies link hearing loss to issues of mental decline, including increased anxiety and depression, accelerated brain shrinkage, and even dementia. One such study, by Johns Hopkins Medicine, tested volunteers with hearing loss over six years and found their cognitive abilities declined 30-40% faster than peers with normal hearing.

Treat hearing loss
Johns Hopkins’ researcher, Dr. Frank Lin, thinks that “if you want to address hearing loss well, do it sooner rather than later.” He recommends treating hearing loss before “brain structural changes take place.”

A separate study released in 2015 backs him up. In the study, scientists concluded that treating hearing loss by wearing hearing aids reduces the risk of cognitive decline associated with hearing loss.

FACT: Untreated hearing loss may result in serious long-term consequences to healthy brain functioning.

(2) Physical Health

Ignore hearing loss
The National Council on Aging notes that “falls are the leading cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries for older Americans.” While no one knows how many falls are linked to hearing loss each year, researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine have found that people with hearing loss are three times more likely to fall than those without hearing loss.

It’s thought that hearing loss may detract from environmental awareness, which increases the likelihood of tripping and falling.

Treat hearing loss
Recently, a study by the Washington University School of Medicine found that improving hearing through hearing aids appears to “improve balance in older adults with hearing loss” and helps reduce the risk of falls. Researchers credited the results to both increased alertness and improved balance.

(3) Income and Career 

Ignore hearing loss

A study by the Better Hearing Institute quantified the impact of untreated hearing loss on the job. The study found that people with untreated hearing loss can see an income hit of up to $30,000 annually, and were nearly twice as likely to be unemployed as peers who wore hearing aids.

QUOTE: “Hearing loss was affecting my presentations and ability to service clients.” Chris T., Pennsylvania  

Treat hearing loss

That same study found that people who use hearing aids reduced the risk of income loss by 90 to 100 percent. It also reported that most hearing aid users in the workforce said wearing hearing aids has helped their performance on the job. 

“Listening is SO important in my work, and I can now work better, more efficiently and more effectively because of my hearing aids.” Marty C., New York  

(4) Personal Safety

Ignore hearing loss

Studies aren’t needed to know that missed or misheard signals like car horns, alarms and other warning alerts can jeopardize a person’s safety. And it doesn’t always have to be one’s own. Adults caring for infants and young children need to know when their charge is crying or in distress. 

Treat hearing loss

Treating hearing loss with hearing aids enhances your awareness of your surroundings and can help ensure you hear every smoke detector, bike bell, emergency alert or distress call.

(5) Relationships and social interactions

Ignore hearing loss

More than anything, untreated hearing loss can lead to social isolation, as the challenges of listening and feelings of “missing out” often cause people to withdraw from the friends, family and activities that bring them joy.

This, alone, is significant, as social isolation is closely linked to numerous quality-of-life issues, including depression, illness, exhaustion and even shorter life spans.9  

Treat hearing loss

Treating hearing loss with hearing aids enables you to hear, participate, and ensure you don’t miss out on the people and activities that make you happy. It’s as simple as that. 

“I’m so glad I got hearing aids. It has truly been life changing!” Lesley P., California

How to know if you should get your hearing tested

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

Do you ever feel like people around you are mumbling or speaking too quickly? Are you having to ask others to repeat themselves frequently or struggling to follow a conversation when there is background noise? If so, these could be indicators that you have a hearing loss.

Often, our friends and family members may notice we have hearing loss before we do. We may even use them as a crutch to help fill in the blanks when we are missing parts of a conversation. Or perhaps they recognize you are having a hard time on the telephone or the volume of the TV continues to go up. If any of this sounds familiar to you, it’s time to get your hearing checked.

The best way to find out if you have a hearing loss is to get a simple hearing evaluation by a licensed hearing healthcare professional. They will be able to determine not only if you have a hearing loss, but what type and how severe the loss may be. Even if no loss is detected, it’s still a great idea to have a baseline audiogram to compare to any future tests.

 To get started, you may want to ask yourself a few simple questions:

  • Do you often have trouble following conversations in groups?

  • Are you having difficulty on the phone?

  • Do you think others are mumbling?

  • Do you say “I can hear, but I can’t understand”

  • Are you avoiding noisy events or restaurants?

  • Have you noticed the volume of the TV or radio needs to be turned up?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you know it’s time to get a hearing evaluation. There are also free hearing screenings you can take online that will let you know if you have a loss or not. Just click on this link, and in a matter of minutes you’ll not only find out if you have a hearing loss, but also what you can do about it.

Remember, hearing health is important and you don’t have to struggle. It’s important to get regular hearing evaluations, even if it’s just to get a baseline. Don’t wait! Early detection is the key to your success.

Call Land of Lincoln Hearing to schedule your first hearing evaluation today!

11 reasons why you should test your hearing

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

Hearing loss happens. It’s the third most common health problem for older adults in the U.S., after arthritis and heart disease. Hearing loss is also very treatable — and more beneficial when treatment is started early. If you suspect you have hearing loss, here are 11 reasons why you should schedule a hearing test and find out for sure.

  1. A hearing test is painless, usually free, and should take less than an hour of your day.

  2. Untreated hearing loss increases your chance of developing dementia.

  3. Treating hearing loss early — on the other hand — is one of nine things you can do to
    help reduce your risk of dementia.

  4. Hearing loss may be an early warning sign or red flag for other health conditions including cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

  5. If your hearing test shows your hearing is normal, you can say “I told you so” to all the people who said you should get your hearing checked.

  6. The Mayo Clinic recommends regular, baseline hearing tests for adults.

  7. Untreated hearing loss increases your chance of falling.

  8. Treating hearing loss with hearing aids has been proven to reduce the risk of cognitive decline associated with hearing loss.

  9. Untreated hearing loss is known to contribute to depression and social isolation.

  10. Hearing loss treatment is associated with delayed diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, anxiety and injurious falls.

  11. Being proactive about your hearing health today will reap immeasurable benefits tomorrow!

Photo by Alex Blăjan on Unsplash

What is mild hearing loss?

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

Mild hearing loss may sound, umm, mild, but it’s quite the misnomer. Professionals classify any hearing thresholds between 25-40 dB to be a mild hearing loss. 

But short of measuring your hearing loss precisely, how can you tell if you have mild hearing loss?

People with a mild hearing loss tend to be able to hear speech when someone is speaking close to them or if the room is quiet. They can hear when people are talking loudly, too. However, they probably feel that people are mumbling and/or that their ears are constantly plugged up. They also struggle when there are competing sound signals (for example speech and noise together). Also, quite a few people with mild hearing loss feel like they have an abundance of wax in their ear and that they would hear fine if it was just cleaned out.

Certain consonants are tough to understand

Some consonants (/f/k/s/sh/) are very soft, and people with mild hearing loss will struggle to hear those sounds. This could lead them to think people are not speaking clearly or mumbling. However, it is the hearing system struggling to hear those softer sounds that is causing their issues.

The good news is that mild hearing loss is correctable with hearing aids. With hearing aids, people with mild hearing loss will be able to hear those soft sounds. The hearing aids will also help them understand speech better when there are competing signals.

In the past, many people did not treat mild hearing loss because it wasn’t considered a big deal. But things are changing. Research is currently being conducted to show that treating mild hearing loss can prevent further atrophy of the hearing system. Other studies are showing the use of hearing aids can slow cognitive decline in older patients.

If you think you may have hearing loss or are experiencing any symptoms of hearing loss, mild or otherwise, it is best to schedule a visit with a hearing professional to have it assessed.

Is hearing loss avoidable?

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

That’s a great question, and a complicated one to answer! Hearing loss can be caused by a multitude of things: some are preventable and some are not. For me to write about everything that can cause hearing loss — and then all the ways to avoid each cause — would make for a very long blog post. We will save that for another day.

Instead, I am going to write about what you can do to avoid the second-leading cause of hearing loss — noise-induced hearing loss.

Did you know that one in four U.S. adults have noise-induced hearing loss? That’s a lot of people (at least 40 million)! The good news is that you can protect your hearing in most situations. And if you practice good hearing protection, not only do you increase your chances of avoiding noise-induced hearing loss, it will  go a long way towards helping you avoid age-related hearing loss, which is the number one cause of hearing loss.

Here are a few ways to protect your hearing (and help avoid hearing loss):

Minimize your exposure to loud noises

This is the best way to avoid hearing loss. How do you know what’s too loud? Environments where you have to raise your voice to talk to other people, where you can’t hear what people nearby are saying, where the noise hurts your ears or, really, where any noise exceeds 85 decibels are too loud.

Wear hearing protection

There are times when you are put into loud situations or environments and you simply can’t avoid them. These include certain work environments, sporting events, concerts, bars/clubs, mowing your lawn, etc. In those situations, you should use hearing protection.

Hearing protection comes in a variety of different styles including ear plugs, custom plugs, “earmuffs” and more. 

Watch the volume

With the way technology is advancing these days, almost everyone has something in their ears. Consider investing in higher quality earphones that block out background noise, to help you moderate your listening levels in noisier places. Also, the general rule of thumb to use when setting your volume is: You should be able to hear and converse with a person arm’s length away from you easily. If you cannot, then it is too loud.

Buy quieter products

You probably never think about how loud some of your household products are. Some products such as children’s toys, blenders and hair dryers. can get louder than 100 decibels! That means that it would take less than 15 minutes of use for you to damage your hearing. I justified buying a fancy new hair dryer because of how loud my old hair dryer was. 

There are other decisions or changes you can make in your life to help avoid hearing loss, including:

Don’t put anything in your ear

Your ears naturally clean themselves. By putting products in your ears, you can cause infections and or actually puncture your ear drum, which can lead to permanent hearing loss.

Don’t smoke

Research studies have shown a positive correlation between smoking and hearing loss. It’s better just to say no.

Keep a healthy diet

Other research studies show that women who maintain a healthy diet have reduced risk/rates of moderate to severe hearing loss compared to women who do not eat healthy.

Get your hearing tested

Having your hearing tested regularly is a great way to know how your auditory system is working. By getting your hearing tested regularly, you will be able to monitor your hearing easily, know if any changes are occurring, and treat any hearing loss early, before it gets to be a problem.

Nothing is guaranteed to prevent hearing loss. But the advice above should help you avoid it, or at least put it off for as long as possible.

Call Land of Lincoln Hearing, today! We are hear to help :)

Photo by Bahram Bayat on Unsplash

Not enough people take hearing loss seriously

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

It’s well known that hearing loss is very common, and that your odds of losing your hearing increase significantly as you age.

What’s not as well known, is how rare it is that those with hearing loss do anything to treat it — though one big clue is that you don’t see nearly as many people wearing hearing aids as you do glasses.

So why do so many people just ignore their hearing loss — particularly when the negative effects of hearing loss are also well known, and the benefits of treating hearing loss are so many?

If you’ve got hearing loss, don’t let it constrain your life. Treat it, and live life to the fullest. You deserve it.

Start by calling Land of Lincoln Hearing today! We can’t wait to hear from you. Click here.

Credit: Starkey Hearing Technologies

How wearing hearing aids can help enhance your safety

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

You already know that hearing aids can improve hearing and communication. But did you know they can also enhance safety? Several studies have confirmed what many hearing healthcare experts and their patients already knew — that using hearing aids improves quality of life, and can provide the wearer with an increased sense of safety and independence. Here are a few reasons why:

Improved balance. Researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine found that adults performed better on balance tests when wearing hearing aids. This study supports the idea that treating hearing loss (with properly fit amplification) might help reduce the risk of falling.

Increased awareness. Hearing is an important sense for environmental awareness and preventing accidents. Hearing aids can help an individual detect hazards in their surroundings, such as automobiles, sirens, and pets. Hearing well can also help you recognize where a potential danger may be coming from. Addressing changes in hearing will help you be alert and hopefully stay safe during your daily activities.

Enhanced safety. Numerous studies have linked untreated hearing loss to an increased risk of safety issues including accidental injuries, injuries at work and more frequent and longer hospitalizations. Using hearing aids can provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones by decreasing safety risks and delivering an enhanced sense of security.

We want you to feel safe everyday! Call Land of Lincoln Hearing today to learn more about why hearing aids are important.

Why it’s important to check your hearing regularly

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

We are all concerned about our health and well-being! Benjamin Franklin once said “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Whether it is diabetes, cancer, heart disease or hearing loss, we have become increasingly more focused on stopping illness through preventative healthcare. It’s one reason why we’re living longer and why, if Mr. Franklin were alive today, he’d agree that “60 is the new 40.”

We get yearly physicals to monitor blood pressure, cholesterol and evaluate risks for cancer, diabetes and heart disease. We should approach our hearing the same way.

Early treatment can help prevent future issues

In recent years, research has shown that hearing is not just about our ears! Our hearing impacts many aspects of our health and life. Untreated hearing loss has been linked to increased likelihood of dementia, decreases in cognitive function, increased isolation and higher incidences of depression. Discovering and treating hearing loss sooner rather than later can ultimately improve our overall health and well-being.

Many people will wait until they are having difficulty before getting their hearing tested. The reality is that they have most likely been living with hearing loss anywhere from 5 to 15 years before they take action. Could you imagine living with high cholesterol or high blood pressure or diabetes for a dozen years before taking action?

Start with a baseline hearing test

For many of us, the last time we had our hearing checked was when we were in grade school. According to healthcare professionals, we should get a “baseline” hearing test early in our adulthood. The recommendation is around 18 or 21. If you are past 21 and have not had a baseline test, the sooner the better.

A “baseline” hearing test will provide a frame of reference for tests later in life. It is important to remember that hearing is more than just detecting beeps! A baseline hearing test will measure your sensitivity to sounds (the beeps), but it will also measure your ability to understand speech, both at soft levels and when the volume is comfortable. In addition, the overall health of the ear will be evaluated via a visual exam.

Follow-up hearing tests may be recommended 

How often you have your hearing checked after the baseline depends on a few different variables: the results of your baseline test, your risk for hearing loss, and your age are just a few. If hearing loss exists at the baseline, yearly testing is recommended.

If your risk for hearing loss is high, yearly hearing tests are also recommended. Things that increase your risk of hearing loss include noise exposure, both at work and recreational (motorcycles, guns, loud music), as well as your age. As hearing loss is found more often with increasing age, individuals 60 years of age and older are recommended to have their hearing tested every two years, if no hearing loss was apparent in their most recent test.

Five tips for maintaining hearing aids in hot weather

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

With summer here, it’s a good time to remember that hearing aids, like most high-tech devices, are susceptible to excess heat and moisture. And while Audibel hearing aids are more durable than most — thanks to our proprietary Surface™ NanoShield moisture-repellent system — keeping these five tips in mind will help ensure long-lasting performance even as the temperatures rise.

  • Keep hearing aids stored in a cool, dry place.

Excess heat can harm the hearing aid circuit (the tiny computer chip that serves as the “brain” of the hearing aid). Excessive moisture can gather on the diaphragm of the microphone and/or receiver, resulting in the perception of a “dead” hearing aid.

  • Use a desiccant, hearing aid dehumidifier or “dry-aid” kit to keep moisture out of the hearing aids.

A desiccant is a moisture absorbing substance that is commonly found in dry goods such as shoes, clothes and electronics. There are inexpensive desiccant and dry-aid kits available from your hearing healthcare provider that are designed specifically for hearing instruments, including the hearing aid.

Store the desiccant in a sealed, dry place.

If the desiccant is exposed to the environment, it will pull moisture from the environment. Keeping the desiccant in a controlled environment will ensure the longest life possible of the desiccant.

  • If possible, keep the hearing instruments away from excessive perspiration.

As mentioned, excess moisture – including sweat – can damage hearing instruments. Audibel hearing aids can handle normal perspiration. However, if the hearing aids are exposed to excessive perspiration, it is best to remove them immediately and open the battery doors so that air can circulate through the hearing aids. Even better, place the hearing instruments in the desiccant kit you bought after reading tips 2 and 3!

  • Do not use any type of liquid to “clean” the hearing instruments – even alcohol.

Liquids are simply many moisture molecules clustered together. Therefore, liquids can damage parts of the hearing aids. To clean the instruments, wipe them down with a clean, soft cloth and store them in a place that has access to air flow.

How to Properly Clean and Care for Your Hearing Aids

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

With any investment, there is a certain degree of maintenance required to be sure that money is being well spent and the purchase is well kept. A hearing aid is no different. Certain maintenance items should be used only by the manufacturer or your hearing care professional, but there are many other preventative measures that you can complete regularly to ensure that your hearing aid is at full-functioning capacity!

Below we examine three main causes or hearing aid problems and offer cleaning and care tips to help!

Battling Ear Wax

Ear wax is often described as the hearing aid’s worst enemy, and rightfully so as the most common cause for hearing aid repairs across the industry. While ear wax is a healthy, normal occurrence in the ear canal, it can create a number of problems for a hearing aid. The ear canal contains not only the solid or soft components of ear wax but also vapor that can migrate deep into the hearing aid where it can become solid and settle on critical mechanical components.

What you can do:

  • Clean your hearing aids every morning: In order to prevent wax from clogging critical components of your hearing aids, such as the microphones or receivers, it is important to wipe off the hearing aid each morning. Tissues should not be used if they contain aloe or lotions, and cleaning cloths should be cleaned regularly to avoid re-depositing of wax or other debris. It is best to wipe hearing aids in the morning when the wax has had the opportunity to dry and will be easier to remove.

  • Don’t wipe onto the microphone ports: Be careful to not wipe debris onto the microphone ports from another part of the aid.

  • Take care of your hearing aid tubing: When hearing aids are fit with either a thin tube or standard-sized earmold tubing, often times you will receive a tool used to clean the tubing when it is removed from the hearing aid itself. This cleaning should be performed regularly in order to prevent wax buildup within the tubing. 

Beating Water

Any exposure to water, humidity, condensation or perspiration can cause serious damage to a hearing aid. Some hearing aids use a moisture and wax repellant to help repel water, oils and debris. But as with any technology, nothing is 100 percent safe. If your hearing aids are accidentally exposed to large amounts of moisture, contact your hearing professional right away.

While accidental immersion in a bath or swimming pool can happen, preventative measures can help guard from moisture buildup within the device during normal usage.

  • Avoid accidental exposure to water: Remove hearing aids when planning to swim or when planning to interact with large bodies of water. Store hearing aids in their storage case and keep somewhere cool and shady to avoid condensation and overheating.

  • Keep a routine: Try to adhere to a routine when it comes to your hearing aids to help avoid accidents. For example, if you typically shower first thing in the morning, always leave your hearing aids in their storage case in the same place every time (not in the bathroom) in order to avoid forgetting to take them out before bathing or accidentally knocking them into the sink or toilet.

  • Remove condensation in tubing: Moisture can collect on the inside of earmold tubing through condensation as warm moist air from the ear canal migrates out to the cooler tubing walls exposed to the environment. If moisture is noted in the tubing of a standard BTE hearing aid, a tube blower may be used to force the moisture out of the tubing after removing the tubing from the earhook.

  • Open battery doors at night: At night, hearing aid battery doors should be left open to allow air to flow through the device; this has the added benefit of preserving battery life. Ideally, hearing aids should be stored in a dehumidifying container. These serve not only as a safe nighttime storage container but also act as a moisture absorbing environment to help draw moisture from the devices into moisture absorbing crystals or packs. NOTE: follow proper use and maintenance instructions of dehumidifying devices as some may require reactivation or replacement parts after a certain amount of usage.

Avoiding Physical Damage

To prevent damage, hearing aids should be stored in a consistent, safe manner whenever they’re not in use. They should be placed out of the reach of small children and pets, as animals tend to be drawn to the devices due to the lingering human scent.

When damage occurs, gather all components of the hearing device and schedule an appointment with your professional as soon as possible.

If there is damage to the casing, the devices should not be worn as sharp edges may cause irritation or abrasion to the ear and surrounding areas.

Damage to the tubing, either tears or pinches, should be addressed as soon as possible as such damages can have severe effects on the sound quality of the hearing device.

And don’t forget that your ears need proper cleaning too!

Contact Land of Lincoln Hearing to learn more!

The dog ate my hearing aid! Surprising ways people lose their hearing aids

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

Americans spend an average total of 2.5 days every year looking for lost belongings such as remote controls, cellphones, car keys and eyeglasses, one survey indicates. 

And while two-thirds of us annually spend as much as $50 to replace these items, the cost can be much higher for those who lose their hearing aids.

“It’s not as uncommon as you might think,” says Dr. Melissa Danchak, AuD, of Kos/Danchak Audiology and Hearing Aids in Arlington, Texas. “We usually see three or more people per month who lose their hearing aids. In January, I counted eight people who lost them.”

Her clinic dispenses as many as 50 hearing aid units each month. With each prescription, Dr. Danchak includes suggestions for keeping track of their new devices.

Good hearing aid habits is key

“Generally, people lose their hearing aids because they don’t develop a routine,” she said. “When I’m dispensing the hearing aids, I first tell them to wear their hearing aids all their waking hours. If they’re in their ears, they’re less likely to lose them. If the hearing aids are placed in their box/charger when they are removed, they won’t get lost. Developing good habits is important to prevent loss.”

That means taking a few extra steps, even if you’re tired and want to take a nap. It’s easy to knock the aids off a side table or counter and into the sink. Women should consider keeping a designated hearing aid container in their purses so they have a recognizable container to put them in when they take them out when not at home.

Those who don’t follow Dr. Danchak’s advice often lose their hearing aids—or find them in the most unlikely places.

“I had one man who stuck his hearing aids in his pocket along with his keys. When he pulled his keys out of his pocket, guess what happened?,” she said. “I had another patient who took out her hearing aid while she was reading and set it next to the peanuts she was eating. All of the sudden, she took a bite that crunched a bit differently. Fortunately, she didn’t swallow anything.”

Hearing aids end up in the strangest places

Hearing aids have been known to accidentally fall out of the ears, too. One patient told Dr. Danchak he found his hearing aid several months later in the bottom of his dishwasher while another said she retraced her steps and found her hearing aid in a parking lot. Remarkably, both units were unharmed and continued to work properly.

"The biggest thing I stress is to put the hearing aids in a safe place when they’re not in your ears — especially if you have a dog." 

But the biggest reason for hearing aid loss? Dr. Danchak said it’s because the family dog uses it as a chew toy. “That’s what we see the most often,” she said. "The biggest thing I stress is to put the hearing aids in a safe place when they’re not in your ears— especially if you have a dog. You may not have a dog, but if you visit a family member and they have a dog, remember that and be conscientious. And make sure the container closes really well. You don’t want your pet swallowing any part of a hearing aid.”

Watch your batteries, too

The tiny button batteries found in hearing aids and plenty of other devices can be tempting to pets and little children. If you suspect a child has swallowed a battery, immediately call the battery National Battery Ingestion Hotline at 800-498-8666. As a Kentucky news station reported, these kind of incidences are on the rise, with more and more kids needing medical care after swallowing small objects. 

What to do if you lose your hearing aids

Of course, even the most diligent people can lose a hearing aid. If it happens to you, Dr. Danchak recommends checking with your provider to see if you can have a loaner while you look for your lost unit. But don’t look forever, she cautions. Although most homeowners’ insurance does not cover hearing aids, your devices are covered if they're under warranty for loss. And while replacement costs can be inconvenient, restoring your prescription sooner rather than later is important to your hearing health.

“How long they look for it depends on the circumstances,” Dr. Danchak said. “If they lost it at home, I tell them to give it a week before they replace it. If they lost it out and about, they should probably replace it immediately.”

So develop good habits about storing your hearing aids when they’re not in your ears, make sure they fit securely, and talk to your hearing health professional about any issues you may be having. Good hearing health habits begin by finding a hearing health practitioner you can trust and contacting Land of Lincoln Hearing today!

(Shared from Healthy Hearing)

If I have tinnitus, does it mean I also have hearing loss?

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

Tinnitus is defined as “the hearing of sound when no external sound is present.” It is one of the most common complaints reported to hearing healthcare professionals. Certainly, tinnitus is associated with hearing loss. That doesn’t mean, though, that if one has tinnitus, hearing loss is also present.

Why tinnitus and hearing loss typically come as a matched set

To hear, sound is funneled through the outer and middle ear to the inner ear. Microscopic hair cells inside the inner ear are responsible for carrying sound through auditory nerves to the brain. Hearing loss can occur at any stage of this process: the outer ear, the middle ear, the hair cells, the auditory nerve or the brain.

Interestingly, tinnitus, too, can be caused at any point in the process! For example, tinnitus can be caused by a wax impaction in the ear canal; it can be caused by middle ear disease such as fluid or Meniere’s Syndrome; it can be caused by damage to the hair cells in the inner ear; and it can be caused by inappropriate firing of nerve cells within the brain.

It's likely that what’s causing your tinnitus is also causing hearing loss

Because both hearing loss and, likely, tinnitus are caused or triggered by the same “malfunction” in our hearing system, there’s a good chance that if you have tinnitus, you’ll also experience hearing loss. We see that often. But not always.

Why? Because there are other triggers for tinnitus that aren’t caused by problems with the ear. For instance, medications (particularly high doses of aspirin), stress, high blood pressure, heart disease and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disfunction can cause tinnitus.

Get it checked out

If you are experiencing tinnitus, a visit with qualified hearing healthcare professional should be the first stop in finding a cause for your tinnitus. Because hearing loss is often associated with tinnitus, ruling out hearing loss makes sense. If hearing loss is detected, it is likely that the tinnitus is related to the hearing loss. If no hearing loss is detected, it’s time for a visit with your primary care physician to explore other possibilities. 

Contact Land of Lincoln hearing today to set up your first hearing consultation with a professional, here! Happy Hearing :)

Noise-induced hearing loss is becoming epidemic

Innovative Hearing Aids Dallas Fort Worth

Between 2000-2015, the number of Americans with hearing loss doubled, approaching 50 million people.

How many times have you heard someone say (or maybe you’ve said it yourself), “I’m looking forward to some peace and quiet”? We’re guessing plenty.

Between the noise at work (thank you, open office spaces), the noise outside (traffic, we blame you), noise inside (good luck finding a quiet restaurant…or gym…or sporting event) and the noise we subject ourselves to voluntarily (we’re looking at you, earbuds), finding peace and quiet can feel a bit like a treasure hunt.

All that noise is a big reason why hearing loss has nearly doubled so far this century, according to the American Academy of Audiology.

And though peace and quiet might sound dreamy at times, it isn’t when it’s all the time, as anyone with severe hearing loss will tell you.

The good news is that noise-induced hearing loss is preventable. To learn ways to protect your hearing, help avoid noise-induced hearing loss, and remain in control of when those moments of peace and quiet get scheduled, consult with a Land of Lincoln Hearing healthcare professional today. Click here and we can help!

Photo by Nabeel Syed on Unsplash